Monday, May 28, 2012

Good evening BOOST members! I hope you and your family had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Weekend.  We are in the home strectch this week. Please be reminded that on Thursday, May 31st  we will have our Project BOOST reception from 3:00PM-4:00PM in the Auditorium.  During this time you will speak about your experience being in the program and what you have learned as a result of being a BOOST member.  We will have a powerpoint presentation which will have snippets from each person's project.  If you have not done so already, please make sure that you have submitted your final powerpoint to your assigned teacher by 5/29.  Remind your parents that they are invited to attend the presentation. Don't forget! :) See you tomorrow! Ms. H

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi all! This is a reminder for those BOOST members who have not submitted their final powerpoint projects to their assigned teacher.  They are now overdue. Please submit via email as soon as possible.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hi Guys! This is a quick reminder that your completed powerpoint projects are due Wednesday, May 16th as we all agreed.  You are sending your final work to your assigned teacher, please be on time with the submisson of your work.  You will be sharing your relflection of being in Project BOOST at our reception on Thursday, May 31st from 3PM-4PM when we have our presentation for your parents. Make sure you remind them of the date and time. Have a great weekend! Ms. H.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hi all! I hope every one was able to get some rest after our exciting trip to Washington. I had tons of fun learning about our nation's history.  I hope you did as well ! I uploaded some pictures from my camera so you can see parts of our memorable day.  Now here comes the fun part! :)

Ms. Brown has uploaded the pictures you took with your cameras. I hope you took good notes on Friday because now it's time to finish your powerpoint presentations.  All of your powerpoints need to be completed by Friday, May 11th.  You are to submit your finished project to your assigned teacher, you should know by now who that is so that we can review and make any necessary adjustments.  The computer room will only be open this week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so please make sure you copy everything you may need on to your removeable disk.

Our B.O.O.S.T presentatation/reception will be on Thursday, May 31st @ 3PM in the Auditorium, so tell your parents!

Our lollipop fundraiser begins tomorrow, so those people who are doing their commercial and assisting with the sale, please be prepared.  Those students who are assigned for commericals this week get your materials together.  See you tomorrow!

Thanks again parents for all of your support! Ms. Haigler and Ms. Brown
We Love Project BOOST!

We're hanging out in front of the White House!

Our Parents and Teachers are standing at the foot of the King Memorial.

Abraham Lincoln Memorial!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.

A few BOOST students with our principal Ms. Staton and 1st Grade teacher Mrs. Rose.

We are always ready to strike a pose.

What a beautiful day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hi guys! You are really doing a wonderful job on your projects! There is a wealth of creative juices flowing from your brains! Ms. Brown and I are extremely proud of you! :)

Our trip to Washington D.C. is almost here and I know you are beyond excited! So am I! Please remember to inform your parents that you need to be at school by 6:50AM on Friday as we are leaving at 7AM. We will arrive back at school by 10:30PM.  We will check in again with one another on Thursday. Make sure all of your assigments are up to date before we leave.  Have a great evening! Ms. Haigler

Friday, April 20, 2012

BOOST T-Shirt Project:

As we prepare for our upcoming trip to Washing D.C., we have an awesome opportunity to create something really cool!  Take a look at the image above, do you see my name?  What about P.S.36 Project BOOST?  I thought to myself, "Wouldn't that look great on a T-Shirt?"  So guess what, we're going to make it happen!

Get ready to let your creative juices flow!  Here is what I need you to do:
  • Open Microsoft Word and type a list of as many word as you can that reflect the theme "PEACE." Once you have checked the spelling of each word highlight the text and click copy. (Ctrl+A) select all (Ctrl +C) copy Submit your changes.
  • Then, click on the link to access this webs
  • Next, Click on Load then right-click in the text box and click paste or press (Ctrl+V) paste.
  • Then, choose a Theme, Font, Orientation, and Layout.
  • After, you may want to choose a choose a shape.  Believe it or not, you can upload a picture of yourself and create a Word Cloud in your own image. You can also write a word and have it be the image or your Word Cloud.
  • Next, click Save and using the Image tab click 16mpJPEG.  Save this image on your flashdrive. 
  • Congratulations, You Did It!
As we discussed earlier, I also want you to create a Peace Poem to go on the back of your T-Shirt. The poem should be meaningful and from your heart. Type you first name and last initial along with the date at the bottom of your poem.  

I think you all will have a great time working on your Word Clouds.  I'm excited to see what you come up with. 

In addition, don't forget to email me your PowerPoint presentations.  I really need to see what you are doing and how you are progressing within this application.  Don't worry if your presentations are not completed , I will review them and make corrections if necessary.  

If you have any questions, please email me as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Brown